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The Wasserstrom Company

Since 1902, Wasserstrom has provided foodservice operators with quality products from the industry’s leading manufacturers. The project to renovate a 50,000 square foot building and convert it into their head quarters needed an energy audit to establish Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) funding.

“We hired Energility to conduct an energy audit before beginning our renovations. They quantified the energy savings from our design and provided recommendations for our contractors to install during the construction. Then after the construction, they came back and confirmed that our systems were commissioned and operating as they were designed. Our headquarters has achieved ENERGY STAR® certification.”
– Pete Nestinger – President, Wasserstrom Realty, LLC

Energy Savings Actions

  • Installed new LED lighting
  • Upgraded all Rooftop heating and cooling units
  • Installed a building automation system
  • Added a solar photovoltaic (PV) system

How Did We Get There?

  • Hired Energility to develop an Energy Plan by conducting an ASHRAE Level II Energy Audit in 2017
  • Completed construction in 2017 Q4
  • Conducted commissioning with Energility in 2018
  • Achieved ENERGY STAR® certification in 2018


  • Enabled renovations to be financed through PACE – $1,260,000 Savings
  • Identified cost effective energy conservation measures – $110,000 Savings
  • Engaged in an Ohio Development Service Agency (ODSA) grant for energy audit – 50% of fees
  • Energy performance is better than 90% of similar office buildings nationwide

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