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The Pigskin

The Pigskin is the premier Bar and Grille restaurant in Athens, located in the heart of Uptown. They please their customers daily and when they make changes, they want to be certain of the expected results.

“The energy savings is nice. We are seeing 50% reduction in regular gas use for the kitchen. We are using less electricity by turning off some electric equipment which ran all the time. Our staff are seeing the benefits daily from the new equipment. This project was a homerun for us!”
– Ric Wasserman, Owner of The Pigskin

Energy Savings Actions

  • Installed new LED lighting
  • Upgraded cooking equipment to high efficiency units
  • Improved control of existing ventilation equipment

How Did We Get There?

  • Hired Energility to develop an Energy Plan by conducting an ASHRAE Level II Energy Audit in 2015
  • Established a performance specification to maximize the benefits
  • Worked with Energility and our equipment supplier to confirm equipment specifications


  • Identified that better control could yield cost reduction with no capital cost investment – $1,500 Savings
  • Identified cost effective energy conservation measures – $4,200 Savings
  • Utilized rebate programs offered by AEP Ohio and Columbia Gas of Ohio – $15,000 Savings

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