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Create Your Eco-Friendly Workspace: Perfect for Home or Office

Recently, while thrifting, I found myself discussing the thrifted art in my home office and my constant quest for the next fun piece. This conversation sparked thoughts about the many choices we can make with a focus on sustainability. Whether you work from home or in a traditional office, you can positively impact the environment by creating a workspace that prioritizes sustainability. Here are some ideas to demonstrate that establishing an eco-friendly office doesn’t have to be complicated or costly.


I view sustainability through the lens of both the materials we use and our daily practices. Essential items like a desk, chair, pens, and paper are necessary for my work. Additionally, I adopt certain habits, such as relying on natural light by keeping my blinds open instead of turning on the lights in my home office each morning. Therefore, I will outline the tips by categorizing them into two sections: materials and practices.


  • Consider purchasing used furniture to save both money and resources. By opting for second-hand desks, chairs, shelves, and other items, you contribute to sustainability. Additionally, you can repurpose or upcycle old furniture, giving it a fresh, new look.


  • Opt for pens with refillable cartridges. Rather than discarding plastic pens when they run out of ink, consider using refillable ones. This not only helps reduce waste but also saves you money over time.
    • I recently discovered that Frixion pens can be refilled, which is exciting since they are my favorite pens.


  • Opt for reusable notebooks. If you enjoy taking handwritten notes, consider using notebooks that can be erased and reused. Additionally, there are many options of note-taking apps available on smartphones and tablets.
    • For instance, Rocketbooks are innovative smart notebooks that allow you to scan and upload your notes to the cloud, and then easily wipe them clean with a damp cloth.


  • Use recycled paper is a great way to make your office space more sustainable this can include paper used for writing and printing as well as paper towels and toilet paper. It reduces tree cutting, conserves water and energy, and minimizes paper waste in landfills.
    • There are various types and brands available, some with high recycled content, brightness levels, and certifications like FSC or Rainforest Alliance. Check labels for recycled content, certifications, and compare prices and quality to find what suits you best.


  • Switch off the lights and use sunlight
    • Maximizing natural light not only conserves energy but also creates a more enjoyable work environment. Open your curtains, windows, or blinds to welcome sunlight, and remember to switch off lights when possible. Additionally, consider using LED bulbs, as they are more energy-efficient and have a longer lifespan than CFL and incandescent options.


  • Turn off equipment when not using (the power button not just sleep mode)
    • Conserve energy by turning off your computer, printer, scanner, and other devices instead of leaving them in sleep mode. Additionally, consider using a smart power strip that automatically cuts power to devices when they are not in active use.


  • Print on both sides of paper.
    • Save paper by printing on both sides. You can also use the back of used paper for note taking, sketching, or brainstorming. This way, you can reduce paper consumption and waste.


  • Recycle your electronics responsibly.
    • When your devices become obsolete or break down, resist the urge to simply discard them. Instead, consider recycling them at a local e-waste facility or donating them to a charity or school that can benefit from them. We recommend PCs for People, a national nonprofit social enterprise dedicated to providing low-cost, quality computers and internet access to low-income individuals, families, and nonprofits. Additionally, Staples offers an electronic recycling program. Check their website to find a store near you.


  • Create a policy for acquiring energy-efficient equipment for both the workplace and home.
    • Selecting devices with high energy efficiency not only conserves energy but also reduces costs. Two helpful labels to consider are ENERGY STAR® and EPEAT®.

Embracing sustainability in your workspace can be both fun and rewarding. With a few simple changes, you can create an eco-friendly environment that not only feels good but also helps our planet.

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