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Have you seen this sticker on a home or business? Did you wonder what it was? It is the designation a home or business receives from the City of Columbus for taking steps towards a sustainable way of living. Many of the steps needed to receive this designation at home are simple. In fact, you may already qualify.

To qualify for a GreenSpot designation, you have to commit to three areas: Conserve Energy, Conserve and Protect Water, and Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Under each category you need to make two pledges or actions – simple, right?

  • Conserving energy can be upgrading light bulbs to more energy efficient CFLs or LEDs, turning your thermostat up or down depending on the season, or installing a programmable thermostat. These are just a few of the many pledges you can make to conserve energy.
  • Conserving and protecting water can be installing water saving heads in showers and sinks, picking up litter before it goes into the storm drains, or eating vegetarian or vegan two or more days a week. These are just a few of the many pledges you can make to conserve and protect water systems.
  • Reducing, reusing, and recycling can be using reusable bags, recycling, or paying bills online. Again, these are just a few of the many pledges you can make to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Visit GreenSpot and look at the application. You might be surprised to see that you are closer to earning a GreenSpot sticker than you thought.

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