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Something to Think About

A recent LinkedIn post from Justin sparked the idea for this blog. It was a simple statement about why he does what he does.






“One of the many reasons why I get after it everyday right here. What we leave behind is not our legacy but someone else’s future. My kids and my granddaughter are part of my ‘why.’

This evening we were sitting on the patio when sprinkles turned to bigger rain drops and then to showers. My granddaughter didn’t run. She embraced it. Played in the mud. Caught a glimpse of a rainbow.”







Many of us try to do better as far as climate change goes: we recycle, we reduce plastic use, we focus on fuel efficiency in our automobiles and energy efficiency in our homes. However, the “why” is usually much closer to home. It is wanting to do better for our children, grandchildren, and future generations. It is not to say that we don’t hope to help everyone by changing our choices, but what is close to us tends to open our eyes and hearts a little further.


So, what is your “why”? And how does that influence your choices?

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