Jeff (Energy Consultant-Specialist), an Energility team member, has hands on experience with recycling electronics. He worked at Redemtech, now Sage Sustainable Electronics, and was able…
In our last post, we began by discussing energy use/waste with our electronics. We talked about how production is one part of the problem, as…
The topic of electronics and their sustainability came up when the need for a new printer was needed for Justin’s home office. While doing a…
This year has been hard (seems like a gross understatement). The pandemic has challenged us in many ways. Safety and health have been common…
Yesterday (November 1st) was the day we set our clocks back an hour to have more daylight hours during the day. I am grateful for…
When talking to Justin at Energility about the use of energy, he will typically think in a linear pattern of conservation then efficiency and…
Happy Energy Efficiency Day! Happy Energy Efficiency Day! Energy efficiency and energy conservation go hand in hand. Energy conservation is using the least amount of…
The first day of fall and the Autumn Equinox are here tomorrow, September 22nd. Another official “Day” tomorrow is National Temperature Control Day. Now…
A recent LinkedIn post from Justin sparked the idea for this blog. It was a simple statement about why he does what he does. …
Energility is focusing efforts to keep momentum on our mission, but we are mindful of what is happening around us. We are continuing to deliver…